Library Management Software
Our library management software helps you to maintain your library online, you can manage your library transactions like issuing and returning of books, adding new books, updating availability of books through our system, we have also created a membership module which helps you to track members of your library with our library management software.
We provide complete service and support for our library management software, we can also customize the library management software as per your requirements, our library management system can support unlimited users and unlimited books, it is backed by RDBMS (Oracle, PostgreSQL), with which you can add millions of books and millions of members or users.
We have also integrate Bar Code support with our library management software, so now you can issue and return books by just using the bar code reader, there are no additional requirements of data entry when issuing or returning books.
Library Manangement Software Features
- Transaction
- Borrowing of Books
- Returning of Books
- Penalties
- Master Entries
- Member
- Books
- Staff
- Reports
- Monthly
- Weekly
- Daily
- Pending Books
- Returned
- Borrowed
- Defaulters
Technical Details (Server)
- Technology Used - LAMP
- HDD - 1 TB or more
- RAM - 16 GB or more
- Operating System - Linux, Windows
- Network - 1gbps shared or 100mbps dedicated
- CPU - 2.8 Ghz - 3.2 Ghz
Technical Details (Client)
- Browser - Safari / Internet Explorer / Chrome / Firefox
- Internet - 1mbps or more
- RAM - 2 GB or more
- Operating System - Linux, Windows, Macintosh
- CPU - 1.8 Ghz - 3.2 Ghz